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Students, are you looking for a way to earn some extra spending money? Are you someone who is looking for a part-time or full-time career? A job with University of Minnesota Crookston Dining Services may be for you! We offer a variety of part-time, full-time and student positions.

We are the largest employer of students on campus. Work schedules can be arranged around classes and allow flexibility in hours. If you can work two or twenty hours per week, we have a job that can fit into your busy schedule.

Interested students should visit any campus restaurant directly for job opportunities or contact a manager at (218) 281-8538.

Campus Intern

Sodexo has created a new Marketing and/or Sustainability intern position on campus that will allow you the opportunity to put your studies into practical application

Primary Purpose

The Marketing Interns primary role is to support strategy, implement

tactics and track the achievement of 3 key pillars:

Increasing profitable sales growth year-over-year

Increasing customer satisfaction

Ensure Client Retention

Job Description

The daily activities of the Marketing Intern are the implementation, tracking and reporting of Sodexo marketing initiative in alignment with the above 3 pillars. These responsibilities include:

  • Support of Creating Exceptional Student Experiences positioning through a keen understanding of how to leverage marketing tactics at each touch point of the consumer journey
  • Support implementation and tracking of Strategic Business Plan tactical marketing action plan
  • Implement the contents of the Campus Marketing Promotions Kit
  • Support the Better Tomorrow Plan initiatives through marketing, promotion and communication
  • Assist with the creation and implementation of all communication collateral, print, web, social media, etc.
  • Monitor campus websites and social media outlets to ensure compliance and up-to-date information
  • Assist with communication, promotion, implementation and tracking of all account level research to include bi-annual customer satisfaction surveys, focus groups, customer segmentation processes, food preference surveys, and custom account analysis in tandem with Senior Marketing Manager and Area Marketing Coordinator.